Make it make some sense

Matthew 6:24 (KJV)

Now that’s a loaded question for the saints ain’t it?

Seriously though

How can a sect group of people populate about GOD and not honor Him? How can a sect group of people utilize The Bible as a prop when swearing in new employees for The United States and not honor it? How can people who work for The American people within the government construct policies and procedurally implement policies for all of The Employers and they that implement policies not be held accountable for their actions? This is pathetic and shameful that Mammon has done ✔️ it’s job and allowed all type of deviant behavior to overthrow The Government or like we call it here and the south (yall dune gone and dun it now). The Government have people who are deplorable and willing to deconstruct the American 🇺🇸 way. That’s a patch of cow dung!

I can tell you how and why the infiltration of the American Political System has been polluted with un Christian tendencies because either they aren’t reading what The Real Bible says or they don’t believe anything in any Bible because they are of the Synagogues of Satan. No man or woman truly with the fear of The Most High GOD or The LORD of Host would allow so many atrocities to go on. For instance: You got a man in a wheelchair 👨‍🦼 (a wheelchair) constructing laws to pull flesh off of people with wire (WIRE) hidden in GOD’s 💦 if they choose to come across a border. Let that sink in for a minute. Idk how the dude ended up in a wheelchair 🦼 and don’t care but, his actions? That’s some cruel and inhumane treatment of people built in the image of good (Godly made man and woman).

Oh wait, for instance: The American people who are openly supporting Nazism and loving the look and living your best life? I already know who you are and what you serve as well as every other Passion Of The Cross Believer but the Revolutionary War has already occurred. The Civil War is over and nobody is ready to regress to such a shameful time in history. The battle you’ve constructed with the many a wombs in this country is baffling to say the least but your practices date back to a time in America when slavery was in full force and The Edomite had control over the buck and wench breeding practices as well as a daily deposit of semen from the many owners of those plantations who impregnated millions of slaves. The mere thought of baring a child of a rapist gives me shivers; the fear of not being able to make adult decisions about what should be done is not up for discussion or debate. The fact that some people are supporting a known rapist is not shocking to me because again the Synagogue of Satan doesn’t care what their cult leader does. The fact they have allowed themselves to believe that they’re not the fascist that he speaks of has me thinking 🧐 that they hate America and are willing to sacrifice their lives for Nazism is what is shocking 😮. Like for instance they have a plan. I’m not saying that they are all like this, but there sure has been a rise in RV parks all over the three states I’ve visited in the last 3 years. What your State looking like?

Don’t go and get caught up while getting your nails done or purchasing the latest trinket (not judging-for warning ‼️). Consumerism is afloat and if you don’t vote 🗳️ like you shop on income tax day (after the check clears) don’t complain after Tuesday, November 5, 2024!

Please stop with the bickering and 👀 sincere compassion for my family in war torn countries around the globe. If the Synagogue of Satan wins the election, folks in other countries will not be permitted to relocate to the USA and the people who currently reside here in the land of America (rich or poor) from other countries will not be allowed to stay. So, we need to find some common ground and vote like you want to be here for your people in the land of Democracy. There are members of Congress who need to be voted out of office. We need each other to get to moving forward with no more stalling.

Once that other member in Israel stops his genocide, America is home and those beyond borders where her sister allies are fighting once again to stop Nazism will become survivors. (It’s the same for Ukraine. And it’s currently the same for some in the USA).

Stop playing-USA voters of democracy have our problems too! Protest yes but don’t not vote for democracy. Or you gonna be in the same position after Election Day.

The survivors of war will all have to reside somewhere else and normally that’s The USA.


Published by A Walk By Faith

Stamina and kindness will always be necessary when bestowing love services in any capacity. So, until the dream manifest, I will continue to petition righteously all year! Who am I? A person who has just enough sense to Praise The One ☝🏾 Who Created me. Do you know HIM? Who do you serve? I Serve A RISEN SAVIOR. A person who doesn’t always get “IT” right. A person who is constantly seeking the truth while living in peaceful abundance while LOVING OUR LORD. A person with a sense of humor who absolutely has to find laughter in just about any situation or occasion. A person with a passion for reading and blogging, who is constantly learning new things. You can find me on social media @kibmelanin. That’s where you can find me on (Threads, Instagram) profiles where I post some of life’s (sometimes) daily news or blogs with an opinionated love for cultural perspectives. My life is basically focusing on kindness, and boldly walking by faith while cultivating love. I ‘m constantly developing into being a better person than the previous day. Please remember tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us so be full of love and in all ways, BE KIND. T- Shirts are supplied on demand so if you’re interested please contact me. (digital downloads available) #KIBMELANIN #wearyourword #AWalkByFaith #Recompense #itsasocialconnect #SCBP #PRAY #LOVE #FAITH #HOPE #Immortalityisreal #PRAYERisneeded @KIBMELANIN #THREADS #INSTAGRAM #FACEBOOK

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